Another area coming up in a recurrent fashion is networking, and regardless of the technology you are working on there will be a continuous requirement of knowledge on this area. I had to go through most of the basics with Virtual cloud networks, subnetworks, IP addresses, firewalls, Access Control Lists, and so forth. These cloud platform certifications do a good job at getting you up to speed and cutting through what matters the most.
I had to revise and learn the basics to get the cloud platforms and my mini projects working. The main difficulty for me were the redundancies in the cloud around the firewall concepts: with ACLs, security lists and the virtual machine firewall itself – it is like three firewalls superimposed! And, on the latter, I wish you good luck if do not know what you are doing with Linux.
Here is a couple of things I have done – I went though the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Associate certification which taught me about virtual networks. Second, I got a couple of Linux machines and some old cisco switch from eBay to get my lab going, I then practiced network related commands and followed a good Linux course and its networking section, like the one I recommend in a previous post. At this stage, forget about the more advanced paths such as CCNA unless you want to waste time with too much theory, I did not need it to get me going until now.